1. Policy brief & purpose

Our environmental social governance (ESG) policy refers to the way in which businesses regulate themselves in order to ensure that all of their activities positively affect society as a whole.

2. Scope

This policy applies to our company. It may also refer to suppliers and partners.

3. Policy

Askival is a responsible business that meets the highest standards of ethics and professionalism.

In all matters of business activity, Askival aims to optimise its impact on the following ESG matters:

  • Environmental: energy use and efficiency, carbon emissions, pollution, and waste and water management;
  • Social: human rights, equality, health and safety, community impacts;
  • Governance: management and board structure, anti-money laundering and conflicts of interest.

4. Objectives

  • Consider environmental, governance, safety and social issues when evaluating prospective tenders and contracts;
  • Continually engage with clients and their stakeholders to communicate on ESG matters and priorities;
  • Actively develop and improve the long-term sustainability of all our work for the benefit of our clients and their stakeholders;
  • Work with our associates, our clients and their stakeholders to improve and advance ESG initiatives at Askival;
  • Promote transparency and timeliness in communication on ESG matters;
  • Ensure compliance with legislation and our policies covering anti-money laundering, bribery, human trafficking and modern slavery.

5. ESG when evaluating potential business

During the evaluation process, Askival will:

  • Not invest in companies or projects that do not respect or follow human rights, including the use of child or forced labour or engaging in discriminatory practices;
  • Identify mechanisms for mitigating potential ESG risks and capitalise on opportunities to add value.