May paves way for next generation of council houses
September 18, 2018
The Prime Minister has cleared the way for a surge in council house building by announcing plans to lift the housing borrowing cap on councils. It means local authorities will be able to take on big loans against the value of their housing stock to fund ambitious council house building plans. The amount of extra… View Article
September/October Party Conference Announcements
September 18, 2018
Building on the Labour party’s Green paper ‘Housing for the Many’ (April 2018) announcements at the Labour Conference included a pledge to “end the housing crisis” with a raft of measures including handing more power to private tenants and offering homeless people the chance of a first home. Shadow housing secretary John Healeyunveiled the plans… View Article
Community Housing Fund
September 18, 2018
Community-led groups are being invited to bid for a share of £163m housing fund to help deliver new affordable housing schemes. Phase Two of the Community Housing Fund has now opened, offering capital grants to fund the cost of buying land and building community-led housing schemes. ‘Community-led housing is about giving local people the lead… View Article