Affordable Homes Progressing Well in Golders Green

January 7, 2025

It is good to see the construction of 22 homes at 285 Golders Green Road, London progressing so well for our client Agudas Israel Housing Association (AIHA).

The new scheme, on an existing AIHA site, will provide 22 shared ownership family-sized homes, tailored for the Orthodox Jewish Community in North-West London with kosher kitchens and balconies to accommodate sukkahs.

As project managers from the outset, Askival – @Malcolm Ward, @Mike Nestor and associate @Tim Cork – appraised the site, procured the design team – Rivington Street Studio,  Vertex and Bannerman Consulting Engineers , oversaw the planning application to its successful conclusion and appointed Jerram Falkus as the contractors.

The scheme is due to complete by Autumn 2025.